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来源: | 作者:cmexpress | 发布时间: 2019-01-18 | 8589 次浏览 | 分享到:

    7. 中立派送:200元人民币每票。
    Neutral Delivery: 200 CNY per shipment
    An optional delivery service, allowing the shipper or importer to maintain confidentiality over the declared value of the goods. The delivery facility ensures any shipment documentation that might reveal the value of the goods is removed before delivery.
    8. 寄件人支付目的地关税、税款:150元人民币每票。
为了便利快件的出口操作,DHL Express可以安排由寄件人或目的国以外第三方支付在目的地产生的关税和税费,从而免除收件人承担此费用。当寄件人或目的国以外第三方要求支付关税、税费或其他海关收费时,将会产生额外费用。
    Duties and Taxes Paid: 150 CNY per shipment
    To make exporting your shipment even easier, DHL Express can arrange for the shipper or a third party to be billed for any duties and taxes payable at destination, rather than the receiver of the shipment being billed. Charges apply whenever the shipper requests that duties, taxes or other regulatory fees be paid outside of the destination country.